Citygirl/ Farmhand

Citygirl/ Farmhand
Check out those hay bales

The Farm

The Farm
The Farm

Friday, August 20, 2010

Timmy the Whizz (intermission)

Please join me in a brief intermission as we recount the amazing but true Adventures of Citygirl/ Farmhand and Tim.


Timmy the Whizz is the nickname that we gave to my husband as a sort of Mafia-styled nickname like Frankie Fingers or Jimmy No Nose that he earned when it became undeniable that he has the world's smallest bladder. I'm a woman and as a freethinking, fairly liberated one, I feel like it's okay for me to downtalk my own kind and say that yes, we pee a lot more frequently than men. Usually...

I am no stranger to the frequent pee- ask any of my former office mates if you don't believe me. I must have been back and forth from my desk to the toilet at least 15 times a day. That is what is so unbelievable about how frequently Timmy the Whizz made an appearance on our trip. We'd be riding the motorcycle for 5 minutes and Tim would pull over. I'd get all concerned, like "what? did we get a flat?" Oh no, not the case at all. Just another visit from Timmy the Whizz. Again? Seriously???

This happened continuously every 5-15 minutes for our entire adventure around the Bay Area. Timmy the Whizz is a very talented and special individual, you have to give him that.

Thank you very much and now back to the show.

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