Citygirl/ Farmhand

Citygirl/ Farmhand
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Is Tim Edward or Jacob?

Much like Bella Swan, I have been totally into Edward since the beginning, hands down, without question. His brooding eyes, those sexy lamb chops, and icy soulessness have definitely done it for me. Even in the last one where they tried to introduce a little tension, I was like that little Lautner kid has some impressive ab definition and all but he is a little boy. Plus we all know that a personal trainer in Hollywood can make anyone's abs look good and I walked out totally confident that Bella's decision to become a vampire was the right one.

Then the third installment rolled around and as Tim and I were heading to the theater, I started to wonder... is Tim more Edward or is he more Jacob? I was always certain he was Edward, probably because I liked Edward more, but then I started thinking about it more and I looked at his cut off sleeves and his tribal tatt and I suddenly found myself faced with a huge moral conundrum: is Tim actually Jacob when all along I thought he was Edward? The more I pondered this intensely important question, the clearer it became.Tim is a Jacob. Let's just review the facts because I think you will agree.

1. He rolls with a large pack of brothers and his dad a lot

2. While he's not actually part wolf, he has a dog that looks a lot like a wolf.
Although I've never actually seen them together at the same time, so maybe he is part wolf!

(Okay, no, that is a lie. I have seen them together. But how awesome is this Zelda Death Shot?)

3. He never wears a shirt anymore and poses a lot which is quite frankly, a little weird. The only rational explanation is, once again, that he is a Jacob.

4. He is part Native American

5. He rides a motorcycle

6. He is also charmingly semi- hickish and has a lot of cars and dirt bikes and stuff and hangs out in sheds and repairs them a lot

7. Finally, and perhaps most alarmingly, he has a tribal tattoo in EXACTLY the same place as everyone in Jacob's pack. I think it is actually the same tattoo in fact.

I guess I just have to admit that I, too, have switched teams. It definitely caught me by surprise much like it did young Bella.

1 comment:

  1. shirtless Tim, oh wow!!! I am getting wet!
