Citygirl/ Farmhand

Citygirl/ Farmhand
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The Farm

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Czech it out

Look at these cute, weird Czech items

This is a sign to not open your window. i love the bug drawings

This is a tampon. It's cute!
Even the box is super cute
It has a strawberry on it.

Not sure what that has to do with tampons but it sure is cute.

aww, Prague, you are the cutest

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    I saw the photo of the cute little tampon while using google images. I was hoping you could tell me what brand they are? I would love to buy some and cannot find them anywhere. I am in the United States and first saw them when borrowing one from Slovakian exchange student. I have not been able to find them anywhere and there so cute! Please email me:

    I appriciate it!
